't Zusje
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’t Zusje Franchise

A Zusje of your own?

Have you always dreamed of owning your own Zusje? ’t Zusje is constantly looking for enthusiastic and ambitious franchisees who want to carry out the Zusje concept with us.

’t Zusje concept

Restaurant ’t Zusje is a concept where guests can enjoy small, freshly prepared tapas dishes. Guests choose two dishes per person, per round for the price of 37.80 where time does not matter. Guests can also enjoy the delicious rounds of ’t Zusje where they can enjoy a few rounds of tapas at spontaneous moments for a special round-price. Guests can make reservations with us to be sure of a table or walk in for a burgundy moment of enjoyment.

Samen genieten van de lekkerste tapas van 't Zusje.

Persoonlijke gegevens

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S.v.p. alleen invullen indien u zich met uw al bestaande onderneming wilt aansluiten.


Algemene informatie

Financiële informatie

Gewenste eigen vermogen minimaal € 200.000,- of beschikking over een locatie die minimale aanpassingen vergt (dit is in nader overleg te bepalen met franchisegever).

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