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We kunnen niet wachten om jou te verwelkomen in onze gezellige ambiance. Ons team staat te popelen om jouw bezoek onvergetelijk te maken.
Je ontvangt binnen 10 minuten een bevestiging via SMS.
Wil je nog iets aanpassen? Bel even en we helpen je graag verder.
Bel 't ZusjeFrom now on, you can easily make your reservation via the Zusje app. Relaxed from the comfort of your armchair. Handy! Check availability at a glance and make a reservation for up to 20 people. Would you like to eat with more people? Give us a call!
Of course we want you to enjoy your moment of pleasure at ’t Zusje without the phone. It’s much more enjoyable when you have undisturbed attention for each other and can eat delicious food at the same time. The Zusje app makes this twice as fun! Check in at ’t Zusje and save points in no time for awesome Zusje prizes. If you secretly use your phone, you stop saving. But hey, you probably won’t! Because you want to double enjoy your moment at ’t Zusje, don’t you?
Download the official de Zusje app for your smartphone: